Intensive Outpatient Plus Lodging

Intensive Outpatient + Lodging

About this Level

This level of care is for the person who may be without stable housing. House managers are on-site and weekly meetings are mandatory.

Clients agree to attend the group counseling Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Transportation to and from treatment may be provided through Parity or though medical transportation. 

In addition to the services listed below,

  • Clients are encouraged to seek employment if that is what they desire as long as it does not interfere with treatment service hours.
  • We allow clients to keep their income so they can learn money management skills and be able to save for independent living following treatment.
  • Our team works diligently to help our clients obtain or return to safe, supporting living.
  • We offer step-down levels of care to keep people engaged in the entire process.

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